I rented an airplane from "Maui Aviators" today. Jimmie Hepp did a fotoshoot of Bart close to Keanae peninsula on Maui. Bart was between 1-2 miles off shore. Soleil joined in the airplane as well. Tony was our pilot and he was the first one to spot Bart. As Jimmie said, " a needle in a haystack". That's what it really felt, to find him out there. He was so tiny from high up in the air.
I talked with Bart on the phone before. He recovered a little from his very rough and long paddle in the channel, but was still very much seasick. He took some motionsickness pills and hopes he will have a better night tonight and will get some rest. But the wind will get stronger over the next days. The next channel is very rough as well.
Wauw! Gekke Hollander ;-) Heel veel succes!!