Just talked to Bart. He feels ready for the Ka'ie'ie Waho Channel towards Kauai. He has to paddle far to the outside that the northerly turning winds towards Kauai not effecting his landfall over there. It started raining. I did'nt get his position he sent out last night. Sadly that sometimes happens. As I knew he was in calmer waters with less wind to rest and sleep, I got some sleep, too. The night before his board capsized 4 times while he was resting. That's hard work to get it up again. Luckily he only lost his camera. He is still good on water and food, but starts to get sore. I hope I will get his position now every 4 hours. Soleil and I are flying out to Kauai today. The Marriott Kauai sponsored a room for us. Yeahhh... Hope so much to see him over there. Ok, have to stop. I am in tears now. I can't wait to spot him coming into this bay. Please let him be safe in the channel.
Fingers crossed! Even if it's a long paddle over the channel, Bart's tougher than the average guy. Wow, what a amazing trip he's doing!